Attention Massage Business Coach Seekers….

“Who Else Wants To Discover How This Poor Massage
Therapist Made Annual Income Of $150,000.00 Or More
All By Himself Without Hiring Anybody?”

Easily make more money and have overseas holidays whenever you want.

Work less hours and earn more without hurting your fingers, shoulders, arms and back.

Dear struggling massage therapists:

Are you thinking of quitting your massage career because you don’t know how to make money as a massage therapist and don’t know who to consult? Or, are you tired of feeling mentally sick because you are constantly worried about how many customers come in or call to make appointments every day? Are you in a situation where you’re ready to close the doors? Tired, exhausted, you've had enough and going to walk away because you’re just not making money? Well, it’s not your fault!

Massage Therapy Business Coaching Hi, this is Keishi Seki.
I’ve been the founder and owner therapist of Pain Relief Massage Clinic on the Gold Coast in Australia for the past 22 years enjoying successfully working without hiring anyone.
By implementing marketing strategies, internet marketing methods and clinic systems, my clinic is earning more and more no matter how expensive my treatment is. All by myself, which means no incompetent colleague, no unreasonable boss, thus no headache! And today, I want you to discover my little-known Practice Building Secrets that you need to get ahead and defeat all your competitors.

9 Out Of 10 Graduates From Massage Schools Fail Within A Few Years!

Let’s talk about this poor massage guy that I know who graduated from a massage school many years ago. He first went to TAFE college Certificate III in Massage Therapy and graduated in as short as six months. He was looking forward to starting to work as a massage therapist straight away but soon realized there was no one who wanted to hire him .... he visited a tiny massage business owner and she asked him to get at least Certificate IV in Massage Therapy. With Certificate IV, still no one wanted to hire him. So he ended up staying there for a diploma course.

As soon as he graduated and received a Diploma of Remedial Massage, he thought he knew everything about massage business and was ready to start his own massage therapy business. He managed to find a little cosey place to open his clinic and waited for customers to somehow come in.

Bad idea! Even his clinic was facing very busy Gold Coast Highway, no customer came in. Then he remembered one of the teachers in his massage school had suggested setting his massage price as $15 an hour. At that time, average going rate of massage therapy was $60/hour. By implementing this teacher’s terrible advice of $15/hour, he started to attract at least some customers.

On some days he was busy with clients, but this ridiculous unusual low price was always bringing wrong type of customers, far from ideal customers. Quality of customers were awful as their decision to come was purely on low price. They tend to do No-shows as they don’t really care and customer rage tends to take place.

He had to see many clients to make ends meet and ended up frequently injuring himself. His shoulder and arms are always aching and burning. Finger pain, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain with tendon tear, bursitis, tendinitis, osteo arthritis…. You name it. Sounds familiar to you?

But guess what? Even if he was working very hard every day, he was not making enough money to support his family.

He feared putting his price up because he believed he would lose his existing customers. He managed to spend thousands of dollars buying a space in a Yellow Page phone book that didn’t work. He also kept trying Letter Box Drops regularly by leaflet distribution business but it was impossible to know if it was working or not.

People were starting to go online. One day, a door-to-door salesperson knocked on the door and sold him his first clinic website that didn’t bring any new customer.

He wanted to consult with a business coach but didn't know where to start. He was always worried about his future to the point where he was feeling sick and hurting his stomach. Naturally, he felt almost suicidal and wanted to change jobs. He was tired, exhausted, had enough, ready to close the doors and going to walk away….. until one day….

What He Needed Was A Massage Therapy Business Coach!

One morning, he found a junk mail in the outdoor mailbox and he threw it straight into the bin as usual without opening the envelope. For some reason, the envelope did not land on the bottom of the bin, it was partly hanging on the Swing lid bin and stayed there the whole day. Every time he walked past the bin in his clinic, it seemed to him the junk mail envelope was staring at him.

Very weird! By the end of that day, he finally realized, “Maybe this junk mail wants to tell me something important.” He decided to open it just to have a look anyway.

Inside was a sales letter from the owner of a million-dollar Natural therapy clinic and an invitation for a $47 seminar at a hotel in Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast.

The sales letter said they’d give him a free report that’s guaranteed to work. He thought, “OK. I don’t mind attending then. I have nothing to lose.” At that seminar he was so impressed and became enthusiastic he spent $3,000.00 to buy their marketing study material, clinic system booklets and a bit of a coaching session ticket. And this was the day he realized he needed to learn marketing and clinic systems with a coach or mentor.

He implemented as much information as he could. Attended a few more conference, bought educational DVD’s, CDs and received online coaching with an internet marketing expert.

He had to struggle with all the information he received designed for Naturopaths. Obviously, they were not written specifically for massage therapy business. After the initial struggling, things started to change and soon his sales figure reached $150,000.00 a year. But this is not good enough! It took him too many years to get there. You can reach there a lot quicker and more easily!

Anyway, the moment he decided to open once thrown away junk mail has saved and changed his life. I believe this website you’re reading right now could change your life, too.

Get Yourself A Massage Therapy Business Coach!

The person I mentioned earlier is one of the massage therapists I coached. You do need a coach and must learn marketing and clinic systems, too! Allow yourself to use me as your coach now. Get to $150,000.00 a year within a year or so. Ask me whatever questions you have or I’ll tell you what you should do first to turn around your massage therapy business.

Shoot me one question a week and you’ll receive the answer full of all useful information and system. Then you implement it within a week. My coaching is always one on one online. It doesn't matter if you live in the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Europe or wherever you are. You don’t need to attend any workshops or seminar or spend thousands of dollars for study materials.

The problem for me was that there was no coach specifically for massage therapy business. I bought so many study materials spending over ten thousand dollars but they were targeted mostly for Naturopathy. Here, I only give you the information useful for your massage therapy modality, so you don’t waste your time. Best of all, you won’t need any other worker or contractor to make more money. All you need is to implement what I offer you all by yourself. It’s a quick and easy way to end your emotional pain and frustration to reach your goal of massage therapy business.

Here's The Reason Why You Need To Book Now!

  • Discover Low-Cost little known marketing strategies to grow your massage business fast!
  • Find secret ways to turn your website into cash generating winners!
  • Turn one-time clients into full time advocates that keep coming back to your clinic again and again!
  • Get a fool proof homerun wining copywriting format for your website.
  • Turbo Charge Your Clinic With All The New Clients You Want.
  • INSTANTLY Turbo Charge your Sales and Profits.
  • Slash your advertising and marketing budget once and for all and stop being an advertising victim!
  • Be a marketing expert quickly and easily so you can finally stop working your butt off and start making some real money.
  • Discover How to get your patients coming back to your clinic after the initial visit.
  • INSTANTLY acquire KILLER copywriting skills so you can instantly extract the most amount of money from prospects and customers ethically, legally and morally by being able to write copy so good.
  • The Complete two-step Marketing Campaign. Real examples on how to use a soft-landing page for your web site.
  • Implement AUTO-RESPONDERS that has months of automation you now don't have to worry about.
  • Put your price up without feeling guilty.
  • Set up a referral system that brings in new customers just like clockwork.
  • Develop a strong customer-focused UPS (Unique Selling Proposition) and elevates you above your competitors.
  • Discover how to get one time customer coming back to your clinic again and again.
  • Implement my scripts that have stood the test of time and watch your income soar.
  • Discover how to make callers change their mind within 20 seconds and book an appointment without you saying anything even after they heard your price and said "No" over the phone!
  • Discover how to make callers say on the phone “I don’t care.” when you reveal your extraordinary fee for your treatment!
  • No longer have to lie in bed at night worried about where the next money is coming from.
  • Bring more and more customers without any advertising.
  • And much, much more!

Free Gift For You!

Your Free Gift

Yes, count me in! Please immediately send me this free report entitled "One Simple Step To Building a Maximised Massage Therapy Business!" so I can get the REAL answers on how to build my massage therapy business and enjoy the perfect lifestyle. I realize it doesn’t matter if I am in practice now or thinking of getting into practice. This is the greatest free investment I can ever make. Nothing returns on investment like getting a new customer in the front door. Just enter your First Name and Primary Email address you wish to receive your free gift to, then click the "Continue" button to receive it in your email Inbox.

Go ahead and grab this free gift right now. I know you’ll be happy you did.


Massage Therapy Business Coach

Keishi Seki
Pain Relief Massage Clinic
192 Brisbane Road, Arundel
Queensland 4214 Australia

P.S. This could be the moment that changes your life! Just like a junk mail changed my life. Opportunity seldom knocks twice. All you have to do is receive my secrets and implement straight away without doing test and measure and mucking around. All the knowledge you’ll get has stood the test of time.

P.P.S. Unless you start doing something new now, you would stay stressed, mentally tired, exhausted, had enough, ready to close the doors and walk away. Go ahead and talk to me soon. This opportunity could be your last chance because I will have to retire soon and vanish without a trace!